Candle Making Experiences

Make it Personalized.

We bring all the good stuff to every class! Expect lots of crystals to choose from including larger crystal crescent moons and more. We also have a wide variety of herbs we bring to make each candle unique in their own way. All the herbs and crystals are labeled with the intentions plus energy they’re associated with to make it easier to focus on what you’re hoping to manifest. Check out our shop to get inspired for an upcoming class!

Join Unique Experiences.

Witchn Wicks has been bringing one of a kind candle making experiences to the Jersey Shore and surrounding areas since 2022. We work with the LBI Foundation of Arts & Sciences for their first ever candle making workshop monthly as well as local studios. We don’t just make candles during our classes, we cultivate manifesting energy using the elements at hand to take control of our future with a positive mindset. We have a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to healing and manifesting that we can’t wait to share with you! Check out our “About” page to learn more about our resident Reiki Master teacher that will be guiding your candle making experience.

Contact us to learn more today!